What would you expect from a conference located in a gorgeous place (Santorini, Greece), during summer and with an acceptance rate of 76%?
It was very good (Sea, Sirtaki & Sun), and very bad (security with no secret key, security with no threat analysis,...). So bad? No, so nice invited talk by M. Unser, nice compressed sensing presentations (link with traitor tracing becomes more and more obvious). And what about watermarking? Although there were 5 sessions dealing with multimedia security and forensics, I was quite disappointed in general. Some good presentations:
- Content-Adaptive Semi-Fragile Image Authentication Based on JPEG2000 Compression, M. Schlauweg. The idea of J. Eggers but pushed to a more practical level.
- Blind DT-CWT Domain Additive Spread-Spectrum Watermark Detection, P. Meerwald. The idea of Loo & Kingsbury, but improved to a more practical level. At last, someone no longer uses PSNR for quality assessment.
- Analysis of Denoising Filters for Photo Response Non Uniformity Noise Extraction in Source Camera Identification, I. Amerini. At last, somebody noticed that since PRNU is multiplicative noise, then, linear estimation is not the optimal. Too bad, the correlation is still here.
Miss Cucumber from the tatziki country.