Wednesday, January 12, 2011

They crazy like fools

Amazing! After more than ten years in the business, we still discover, by random walks on the Internet, conferences of our domain we didn't know. What about it Daddy Cool: International Workshop on Content Protection & Forensics.

We haven't received any CfP. Well, if their plan was to keep confidential their private party on the beach of Barcelona, no way, the cucumbers wrote it down on their agenda!
Vamos a la playa!

Miss cucumber
PS: Blogger editing sucks!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

So? Plenty of gifts this Xmas? Well, we received an unexpected one from our biggest fans (yes, this blog does have fans!), the organizers of the next IH conference in Prague. Thank you so much! Here is their message:

Dear Watermasked Cucumbers,

organizers of 13th Information Hiding decided to wish merry Christmas to
all cucumber folks and hope that their blog will be as fun as it was so far.
As a Christmas gift, we grew special cucumber for you. We call it
Cucumis Infohidus. Unfortunately, we have only one piece of this special
plant. Since shipping such a special gift to you may be dangerous, we decided
to make a real photograph of it (really, it is not a forgery :) ).

If you come to Prague in May 2011, we will gladly give you the real
Cucumis Infohidus.

We hope that your blog will enjoy this piece of special and
only-of-this-kind plant as we are.

Have fun,
Tomas & Tomas & other info hiders